STEM communications contest open to humanities and arts students

Graduate and undergraduate students in the humanities and arts are encouraged to participate in a STEM communications contest hosted by the University of Georgia Libraries.
The Capturing Science Contest challenges students to communicate STEM concepts in a diversity of formats. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for $1,500 in prizes.
Guidelines: Explain a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concept to a broader audience using any medium of your choice.
Prizes: Prizes will be awarded in two separate categories for undergraduate and graduate students.
1st Prize Graduate: $500
2nd Prize Graduate: $250
1st Prize Undergraduate: $500
2nd Prize Undergraduate: $250
Deadline: 5 p.m. November 27, 2017
Eligibility: All currently-enrolled UGA undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. Students may submit works used for other class assignments. Multiple entries are acceptable.
Contest Criteria: Submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Clarity of expression
- Creativity
- Appeal to a broad audience
Formats: Any and all formats and genres are encouraged! Examples include: essays, board games, virtual reality, videos, musics, software, apps, curricula, lesson plans, poems, infographics, fiction, and exhibits.
The contest is sponsored by the UGA Libraries and the Office of Research.
Learn more at
Contact Chandler Christoffel for questions.