Christina Wood Martinez – “The Oriole”
Christina Wood Martinez is a fiction writer with short stories appearing or forthcoming in Granta, McSweeney’s, Virginia Quarterly Review, and other journals. Her story, “The Astronaut,” won the 2018 Shirley Jackson Award for short fiction. Originally from California, she is a PhD student in UGA’s English department and Creative Writing Program, a teacher, and the editor of echoverse, a digital anthology of writing about the environment and climate change.
Her Shelter Project, “The Oriole,” an excerpt from a longer, in-progress piece of fiction, is about loss and family, isolation and congregation, and gardens and birds.
Image: “Still Life with Three Dead Birds, Cherries, Redcurrants and Insects” by Jean-Baptiste Oudry
[Christina Wood Martinez’s Flagpole interview]
Read “The Oriole”