Book Research and Publication Resources

Books are a critical part of arts and humanities impact and practice. The University of Georgia supports book publication across a wide range of subjects, and in many different formats.
This list of resources available externally and across the institution is gathered for your help and in context of the Association of American Universities (AAU) introducing books as a Phase One Indicator of research quality for potential members.
This list has been designed to map onto a university member’s progress through their career, and their publications. Please feel free to access it according to your disciplinary interests and unit standards. Above all this is a tool to help you see what help you can get to succeed in a shared community of scholars.
The information is gathered in three fields: Resources; Mentorship and Community; Guidelines and Reports.
Franklin College (FC)
Office of the Provost (OP)
Office of Research (OR)
Willson Center (WC)
First-Book Subvention Program (FC)
Fellowships and grants – travel, professional development (OP)
Teaching fellowships and grants (OP)
Travel support (OR)
Faculty Research Grants (OR/ WC)
Faculty Research Fellowships (WC)
Book subvention and special funding requests (WC)
Study in a Second Discipline (OP)
NEH Collaborative Research Grants
Mentorship and community
Jill and Marvin Willis Center for Writing (FC)
Research and Scholarly Productivity resources (OP)
Felson Faculty Writing Retreat, last Wednesday of every month (WC)
Guidelines and reports
Promotion and tenure guidelines by college (OP)
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