Recent External Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
Recent external grants, fellowships, and awards by UGA faculty in the humanities and arts (not definitive):
- Mark Abbe (Lamar Dodd School of Art), Getty Museum Scholar; Gerda Henkel Stiftung – Funding Initiative Patrimonies grant; Resident Research Museum Scholar at the J. Paul Getty Museum
- Nicholas Allen (English/Willson Center), Mellon Foundation grants; NEH: Humanities Access Grant; NEH: Common Heritage Grant; University of Oxford: Astor Visiting Lecturer; National Humanities Center Responsible Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Design Project
- Chanara Andrews-Bickers (PhD candidate, English), National Humanities Without Walls Career Diversity Workshop Fellowship
- Lisa Bayer (UGA Press), NEH: Open Book Program
- Joshua Barkan (Geography), Institute for Advanced Study
- Tracy Barnett (PhD candidate, History), Humanities Without Walls Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
- Nora Benedict (Romance Languages), UT-Austin Harry Ransom Center Fellowship
- Stephen Berry (History), ACLS/Mellon: Digital Extension Grant; NEH: Public Scholars grant
- Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor (Mary Frances Early College of Education), NEA: Big Read (multiple); CDC Foundation grant for engaging the arts to build vaccine confidence
- Mark Callahan (UGA Arts Collaborative), NSF: Innovations in Graduate Education
- Roxanne Eberle (English), Huntington Library Short-Term Fellowship
- Rachel Gabara (Romance Languages), NEH: Fellowship; NEH: Summer Stipend
- Jorge García-Granados (PhD candidate, Romance Languages), Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship
- Katie Geha (Lamar Dodd School of Art), Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts grant
- Naomi Graber (Huch Hodgson School of Music), Society for American Music: Virgil Thomson Fellowship
- Diana Graizbord (Sociology), Institute for Advanced Study
- Timothy Gupton (Romance Languages), Fulbright Scholarship
- Cindy Hahamovitch (History), Guggenheim Fellowship
- LeAnne Howe (English), Vision Maker Media grant
- Sujata Iyengar (English), Partner University Fund/FACE Foundation grant; Folger Shakespeare Library: Short-Term Fellowship
- Martin Kagel (Franklin College Dean’s Office), Max Kade Foundation grant
- Aruni Kashyap (English/Creative Writing), NEA: Literature Translation Fellowship
- Emily Koh (Hugh Hodgson School of Music), Orquesta Sinfónica de Aguascalientes Fellowship; Copland House Residency Award; Young Artist Award – National Arts Council, Singapore
- Jamie Kreiner (History), Society for French Historical Studies: William Koren, Jr Prize
- William Kretzschmar (Linguistics), Fulbright Scholarship
- Peter Van Zandt Lane (Hugh Hodgson School of Music), Charles Ives Fellowship; Music Teachers National Association: Distinguished Composer of the Year Award
- Isiah Lavender (English), International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts Distinguished Scholarship Award
- Chana Kai Lee (History), Harvard University Warren Center Faculty Fellowship
- Derrick Lemons (Religion), John Templeton Foundation grant
- Ari Levine (History), Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies Collaborative Reading-Workshop Grants; Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton membership
- Christian Lopez (Libraries), Whiting Public Engagement Seed Grant
- Gerald Maa (The Georgia Review), NEA: Grants for Arts Projects
- Rebecca Hallman Martini (English), International Writing Centers Association: Research Grant
- Susan Mattern (History), Association of American Publishers: Category Award – History of Science, Medicine and Technology
- Booker T. Mattison (Entertainment & Media Studies), Broadcast Education Association: Festival of Media Arts – Faculty Best of Competition
- Barbara McCaskill (English) and Nicholas Allen (Willson Center), Mellon Foundation grant; Henry Luce Foundation grant
- Emily McGinn (Libraries/DIGI), NEH: Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities
- Reginald McKnight (English), Pushcart Prize
- Carolyn Medine (Religion), The Louisville Institute Sabbatical Grant for Researchers
- Stephen Mihm (History), NEH: Public Scholar Program
- John Morrow (History), Pritzker Military Museum & Library Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing: The Pritzker Literature Award
- Eric Morales-Franceschini (English), Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Rielle Navitsky (Theatre and Film Studies), George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation Fellowship
- Scott Reynolds Nelson (History), Guggenheim Fellowship
- Scott Nesbit (College of Environment and Design), NEH: Digital Humanities Advancement Grants
- Jennifer Palmer (History), ACLS: Fellowship; NEH: Fellowship; American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grant
- Jordan Pickett (Classics), Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: Project Grant
- Rumya S. Putcha (Women’s Studies/Hugh Hodgson School of Music), Paula J. Giddings Best Article Award
- Susan Rosenbaum (English), NEH: Digital Humanities Advancement Grants; MLA Prize for Collaborative, Bibliographical, or Archival Scholarship
- Cassia Roth (History), NEH: Fellowship; Gilder Lehrman Center Fellowship; Southern Historical Association Murdo J. MacLeod Book Prize; American Library Association Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Title; Friends of Princeton University Library: Library Research Grant
- Julie Velasquez Runk (Anthropology), National Humanities Center Fellowship; Wenner-Gren Foundation: Engaged Research Grant
- David Saltz(Theatre and Film Studies), NEH: Institutes for College and University Teachers
- Esra Santesso (English), NEH: Summer Stipend; Arts and Humanities Research Council grant
- Fausto Sarmiento (Geography), Fulbright Scholarship
- Claudio Saunt (History), NEH: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources; 2021 Bancroft Prize; 2021 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award; Ridenhour Book Prize; Guggenheim Fellowship
- Sidonia Serafini (PhD candidate, English), Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship
- Mi-Ryong Shim (Comparative Literature), Association for Asian Studies: NEAC Korean Studies Grants
- Rohan Sikri (Philosophy), Research Fellowship – Summer Institute for Chinese Studies, Asian Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh; Harvard University Center for Hellenic Studies: Fellowships in Hellenic Studies
- Janice Simon (Lamar Dodd School of Art), Nineteenth-Century Studies Association President’s Award; Eric Hoffer Book Awards: Category Prize – Art
- Steven Soper (History), NEH: Digital Humanities Advancement Grants
- Yuanfei Wang (Comparative Literature), Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange Scholar Grant
- Elizabeth Wright (Romance Languages), NEH: Collaborative Research program; NEH: Summer Stipend
- Timothy Yang (History), Association for Asian Studies Northeast Asia Council Japan Research Grant; Hagley Prize in Business History
- Hyangsoon Yi (Comparative Literature), Research Fellowship – Academy of Korean Studies
- Magdalena Zurawski (English, Creative Writing), Fulbright Scholarship