Killick Hinds – “Lake Nonlinear”


Killick Hinds - Lake Nonlinear

Since moving to Georgia in 1995 I’ve heard many times “We’re going to the Lake this weekend”… I’ve never known which Lake as there are multiple contenders, but I’d like to think it’s capitalized like going to the Club. The Lake/Club dynamic is something I balance abstractly: Naturalistic (serenity, stillness, reflection, stasis, solitude). And Social (rhythm, motion, expansion, development, participation). When I found out about the Willson Center Shelter Projects micro-fellowship, I applied and am grateful I was chosen as one of 34 fellows. I immediately jumped in, creating a long-form musical work performed live with guitar and computer using nearly every cable I have and off-piste signal routing in Rube Goldberg fashion. The result is something I am very glad to have the opportunity to present among such excellent company. Thanks for listening.

[Killick’s Flagpole interview]

Listen to “Lake Nonlinear”