UGA Humanities Council

UGA Humanities Council logoThe University of Georgia Humanities Council is designed to weave humanities practices into the culture of campus, and to make visible and valuable the diversity of these practices to our learning community.

The Humanities Council is supported by the Office of Research, the Office of the Provost, and the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, with the participation of more than 30 colleges, schools, departments, and units across the university.

The council organizes the university’s Humanities Festival, which takes place in March of each year.


Humanities research adds to our knowledge of the world, as scholars investigate differences between cultures and communities around the world and across time, consider the ways art is made and received, or unveil the undercurrents that have shaped history. Humanities education encourages students to think creatively and critically, to reason, and ask questions. And, as the humanities offer insight into nearly every aspect of life, they have been considered a core element of a well-rounded education since ancient times… Put simply, the humanities help us understand and interpret the human experience, as individuals and societies.
– From the National Humanities Center


The humanities comprise those fields of knowledge and learning concerned with human thought, experience, and creativity. By exploring the foundations of aesthetic, ethical, and cultural values and the ways in which they may endure, be challenged, or transformed, humanists help us appreciate and understand what distinguishes us as human beings as well as what unites us… Humanists study the diverse means by which human beings in every age and culture explore, understand, and change their world. The humanities enable us to think about and think through the issues that confront us as global citizens of the twenty-first century.
– From the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)


Mark Abbe

Mark Abbe

Area Chair – Art History

Nicholas Allen

Nicholas Allen


Director – Willson Center for Humanities and Arts

Nora Benedict

Nora Benedict

Assistant Professor of Spanish and Digital Humanities – Romance Languages

Kelly Happe

Kelly Happe

Graduate Coordinator – Institute for Women’s Studies

Shawnya Harris

Shawnya Harris

Thompson Curator of the African Diaspora – Georgia Museum of Art

LeAnne Howe

LeAnne Howe

Director – Institute of Native American Studies

Katie Ireland

Katie Ireland

Interim Director – Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab, UGA Libraries

Martin Kagel

Martin Kagel

Associate Provost – Office of Global Engagement

Jamie Kreiner

Jamie Kreiner

Associate Dean – Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Jean Martin-Williams

Jean Martin-Williams

Associate Dean – Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Barbara McCaskill

Barbara McCaskill

Associate Academic Director – Willson Center for Humanities and Arts

Aaron Meskin

Aaron Meskin

Professor and Head – Department of Philosophy

Akinloye Ojo

Akinloye A Ojo 

Director – African Studies Institute

Marisa Anne Pagnattaro

Marisa Anne Pagnattaro

Vice President for Instruction

Ed Pavlić

Ed Pavlic

Representative, Institute for African American Studies

Amy Ross

Amy Ross

Director – Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute

Laura Phillips Sawyer

Laura Phillips Sawyer

Associate Professor – School of Law

Andrea Silletti

Andrea Silletti

Program Specialist – Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO)

Nanette Spina

Nanette Spina

Associate Professor – Department of Religion

Katherine Stein

Katherine Stein

Director – Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Jeanette Taylor

Jeanette Taylor


Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Mike Terrazas

Michael Terrazas

Director – Research Communications, Office of Research

Elizabeth Wright

Elizabeth Wright

Associate Academic Director, Willson Center for Humanities and Arts

Timothy Yang

Timothy Yang

Director, Center for Asian Studies