Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab (DigiLab)


  • Bill Kretzschmar, Harry and Jane Willson Professor in Humanities, Department of English
  • Stephen Berry, Amanda and Greg Gregory Professor of the Civil War Era, Department of History
  • Claudio Saunt, Richard B. Russell Professor in American History, Department of History


The Digital Humanities Initiative (DIGI) consists of both the Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab with associated digital humanities courses and the strengthening of the university’s digital humanities research core. DIGI reinforces the institutional commitment to digital humanities in promoting innovative humanities research and in pursuing external funding.

The DigiLab provides a central location for digital humanities resources, the capacity to archive and disseminate digital research and research products, and the capability to train faculty, students and staff in digital humanities and custom digital applications.

The DigiLab serves a permanent institutional solution toward reinforcing the value of digital humanities research. The DigiLab promotes faculty collaboration across multiple departments in addressing cutting edge topics and research in digital humanities.

The Digital Humanities Initiative also strengthens the University of Georgia’s digital humanities research core through specific digital research enterprises like the Linguistic Atlas Project, classical art and architecture collections, American Civil War letters, virtual vaudeville and eHistory.org. eHistory involves a number of projects including Pox Americana, IndianNation, Born Unfree: Stories of the Last Generation of American Slaves, and From Civil War to Civil Rights in Georgia. All of these DIGI projects exploit new technologies to the benefit of humanities research by engaging scholars and the broader public as full partners and collaborators in building digital humanities resources.

Digi Lab logo


  • Marguerite Madden, Professor and Director, Center for Geospatial Research
  • Naomi Norman, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor of Classics, Department of Classics
  • David Saltz, Associate Professor, Department of Theatre and Film Studies