Four at UGA awarded NEH grants for 2017

Congratulations to the four UGA recipients of August 2017 grant awards from the National Endowment for the Humanities:
- Sheila McAlister, director, Digital Library of Georgia, UGA Libraries (project director)
Georgia Digital Newspaper Project, Phase One
Project Description: Digitization of 100,000 pages of Georgia newspapers published prior to 1963 as part of the state’s participation in the National Digital Newspaper Program.
- Emily McGinn, digital humanities coordinator, Willson Center DigiLab, UGA Libraries (co-director with Lauren Coats, Louisiana State University, project director)
Textual Data and Digital Texts in the Undergraduate Classroom
Project Description: A one-week in-person institute hosted at Mississippi State University on approaches to computational textual analysis and how these techniques may be incorporated into the classroom. This institute will be followed by a series of virtual sessions focused on digital pedagogy and the humanities.
- Susan Rosenbaum, associate professor, department of English (co-director with Suzanne Churchill, Davidson College, project director, and Linda Kinnahan, Duquesne University, co-project director)
Mina Loy: Navigating the Avant-Garde
Project Description: A multimedia research project, including a public crowdsourcing component, exploring the work of early 20th-century artist and writer Mina Loy.
- David Saltz, professor and head, department of theatre and film studies (project director)
Digital Technologies in Theatre and Performance Studies
Project Description: A two-week institute for twenty-five college and university faculty on the impact of digital technologies on performance and on theater history.
Three of the awardees are leaders or co-leaders of Willson Center programs: McGinn the Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab, Rosenbaum the Interdisciplinary Modernisms Research Cluster, and Saltz the Ideas for Creative Exploration (ICE) Research Cluster.
The support of the National Endowment for the Humanities is crucial to research in the humanities and arts. We wish these 2017 awardees success with their projects, and we encourage UGA faculty and scholars to seek NEH support for their future endeavors.