Shelter Projects Online Exhibition
In the spring of 2020 the Willson Center, in partnership with the Graduate School, the UGA Arts Council, the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, and Flagpole magazine, awarded 34 micro-fellowships in a new program we called Shelter Projects. The $500 fellowships supported graduate students and community-based artists and practitioners in the creation of shareable reflections on their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic through the arts and humanities.
The funded projects were selected by a committee of the sponsoring UGA units and Flagpole from among more than 100 proposals representing more than 25 departments, schools, and colleges across the university, as well as the Athens and Georgia communities at large. Selected proposals included projects in music, film/video, theater, drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, poetry, short stories, publishing, and other media. The projects were completed during the spring and summer, and are exhibited here.
Some of those who submitted proposals we were unable to fund generously shared their projects nonetheless. Those are exhibited here under “Volunteer Projects.”
Read more about a few of the Shelter Project recipients in this article from @UGAResearch.

Jace Bartet

Mux Blank

Lydian Brambila

Chase Brantley

Killick Hinds

Volunteer Projects
The projects below were generously shared by some of those among the many who submitted proposals we were unable to fund.