Willson Center now accepting proposals for new round of a2ru grants

The University of Georgia recently joined the Alliance for Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) – a partnership of more than 30 institutions committed to ensuring the greatest possible institutional support for interdisciplinary research, curricula, programs, and creative practice between the arts, sciences, and other disciplines. As one sign of this commitment, the Willson Center is supporting an a2ru Faculty Research Cluster, established in order to identify and support extraordinary arts-oriented research.
The a2ru Faculty Research Cluster is accepting proposals from full-time, research-budgeted faculty, whose projects have the potential to further UGA’s reputation as a leader in arts-based research. Projects may be creative or scholarly in form, and they may be disciplinary or interdisciplinary in scope. Grants will range between 1,000-3,000 dollars and are intended to advance research projects with an eye toward external funding. The deadline for proposals is May 1, 2017.
A one-page proposal describing the project and its significance should be sent, along with a one-page budget, to the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts at wcha@uga.edu. Proposals should identify at least one possible external source of funding. Applications will be reviewed by a representative panel of faculty in the arts. Successful applicants will be required to submit at least one external grant proposal within a year of receiving funding. The Willson Center will provide assistance in proposal review and preparation.
Please contact Dr. Isabelle Loring Wallace with any proposal questions.
Information about previous A2RU grant recipients can be found here.