Willson Center Board of Friends

The Willson Center Board of Friends was established in 2014, consisting of leaders and humanities and arts supporters from the local, and increasingly statewide, community. The Board of Friends meets regularly to advocate for the Willson Center and raise funds in support of Willson Center programs.

The formation of this board was vital to the future growth of humanities and arts research in the University of Georgia. The board provides valuable help and advice in making the Willson Center a global hub of creativity and thought.

The members of the Willson Center Board of Friends strengthen the work of the Willson Center by supporting its mission, promoting its work within their spheres of influence, connecting new friends when possible, providing advice on those matters that improve the quality and relevance of our programming, and making a financial donation to the Willson Center.

Willson Center Board of Friends

Valerie Aldridge

Amber Bailey

Katherine Byrne

Dr. Rob Byrne

Bob Carson

Dr. Dan Coenen

Sally Coenen

Knox Culpepper

Mandy Culpepper

Peter Dale

Liz DeMarco

Dr. Tony DeMarco

Blair Dorminey (Chair)

Bertis Downs

Charlie Friedlander

Jim Harrington

Peggy Harrington

Tom Kenyon

Kristy Mayfield

Connell NeSmith

Michael Ripps

Jane Robertson

John Robertson

Judi Rogers

Dr. Werner Rogers

Alan Rothschild

Steve Sears

Tres Small

Peter Smith

Margie Spalding

Mildred Spalding